High-resolution SIMS analysis can be used to explore a wide range of problems in material science and engineering materials, especially when chemical imaging with good spatial resolution (50–100 nm) can be combined with efficient detection of light elements and precise separation of isotopes and isobaric species (M/ΔM = 5,000). The CAMECA NanoSIMS 50 instrument is located at Oxford Begbroke Science Park. Applications of the instrument in our group focus on the degradation mechanisms of nuclear structural materials under service conditions. More details about applications and sample requirements for NanoSIMS analysis can be found in http://nanosims.materials.ox.ac.uk/ .
NanoSIMS data showing 3D deuterium distribution in oxide layers on a 106-day corroded Zircaloy-4 sample and FIB/ SEM slicing showing the NanoSIMS crater topography